Anthony Covell

Anthony supports America Forward’s full policy agenda, with a specific focus on our K-12, post-secondary, social innovation, and criminal justice reform policy priorities. Prior to joining New Profit and America Forward, Anthony worked as the Outreach Assistant to Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s state team where he primarily assisted the Senator’s team in federal, state, and local COVID-19 response and coordination in

Ariette Agnew

Chase Sackett

Chase leads America Forward’s economic mobility and social innovation work, and supports policy development and engagement across the organization’s issue areas. Chase’s commitment to advancing policies that strengthen equity and expand opportunity, in particular through evidence-based programs and innovation led by proximate leaders, led him to New Profit and America Forward. Chase previously worked at Arnold Ventures, where he managed

Chelsea Wright

Daniel López

Daniel advances America Forward’s federal policy and advocacy efforts to advance economic mobility, higher education, and social innovation as outlined in the America Forward Coalition policy platforms. Most recently, Daniel was a research analyst with Building America’s Workforce at the Urban Institute. Daniel’s research focused on workforce development policy analysis and evaluation, postsecondary online learning, performance management, and immigration. Daniel

Nicole Hall

Nicole is America Forward's Coalition & Staff Manager. Nicole co-manages the America Forward Coalition, providing support to our 100+ Coalition member organizations and leading the recruitment and onboarding of all new Coalition organizations. She also manages internal operations for the America Forward team and provides strategic support to the America Forward team. Prior to joining New Profit, Nicole had the

Deborah Smolover, J.D.

Deborah S. Smolover is a Managing Partner of New Profit and leads New Profit’s policy work, advocating for more innovative, effective, and efficient policy solutions to our country’s most pressing social problems affecting access to opportunity in America. Deb also serves as the Executive Director of America Forward, New Profit’s DC-based nonpartisan policy initiative. America Forward’s mission is to unite

Heather Rieman

Heather Rieman leads America Forward's early learning, K-12, Whole Learner Education, and national service policy work. Heather also directs America Forward's Education Task Force and associated Working Groups and oversees America Forward's Advocacy Institute. As an education equity advocate, Heather has dedicated her more than 20-year career to ensuring that all youth have the supports they need to succeed in school and

Jessica Crawford

Jessica is America Forward’s Field Leadership Partner who oversees the vision, strategy, and management of America Forward’s field leadership work. She also heads the 100+ member America Forward Coalition. Additionally, Jessica leads America Forward’s coordination with New Profit to support the organization’s collective strategic goals. Before joining the America Forward team at New Profit, Jessica served as Director of Government