Here’s five social innovation links we are clicking on today:
- Amplify – New Profit Blog: America Forward’s Wednesday ESEA Update “This week marks the beginning of new energy and action around the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).” Click here to get updates about new developments in the ESEA so far.
- Eater: Meet the Culinary Nonprofit Getting People Out of the Fire — and Into the Kitchen “‘I’m not trying to scare you, but I want you to know what you’re getting into.’ Daniela Hurtado was speaking to a group of men and women gathered in the basement of the Federal City homeless shelter, two blocks away from the United States Capitol, on a crisp October morning. Hurtado is the culinary chef instructor for DC Central Kitchen, a non-profit that works to fight hunger and empower the hungry in Washington, D.C., a city where over thirteen percent of households experience low or very low food security. The men and women gathered in that basement classroom late last year were the newest students to join the organization’s culinary job training program. Nearly a hundred groups of students had gone before, each numbered sequentially. The group of people Hurtado was addressing was Class 98.”
- The Huffington Post: The Future Project “Four years ago, [Andrew] Mangino founded The Future Project with the aim of transforming students and schools by looking beyond the familiar measures of success. Instead of focusing only on school performance, graduation rates, college matriculation and job placement, Mangino wanted to get to what he saw as the root of the problem. Students don’t have enough motivation, he says, and they lack belief in their own futures. It’s not that the typical metrics aren’t important, Mangino says. But he strongly believes there’s a lot more to success than grades and test scores. It’s a conviction he developed while walking the hallways of Woodrow Wilson High School, speaking face-to-face with a young man whose potential couldn’t be fully rendered by numbers alone. The Future Project places mentors in schools — usually people in their 20s and 30s — to get students talking and thinking about how to achieve their dreams, big and small, short-term and long-term. The program’s mentors refer to themselves as ‘Dream Directors,’ a title meant to signal that The Future Project’s ambitions begin in the school building but don’t end there.”
- Mashable: Get Inspired – +SocialGood UK Quotes on How Tech Can Effect Social Change “Inspired by the Social Good Summit, +SocialGood UK was designed to amplify the voices of people who want to share world-changing ideas and spark action throughout the global community. The event brought together government officials, policymakers, social entrepreneurs, technologists and corporate leaders from around the world to discuss how technology is driving social change. If there was a single theme that resonated throughout the day, it was how technology has empowered everyone — from individual activists to corporations and governments — to spur real and lasting social change in their community and the world at large. Here are some of the most inspiring quotes from the day.”
- The New York Times: Where Are the Teachers of Color? “Across the country, government estimates show that minority students have become a majority in public schools. Yet the proportion of teachers who are racial minorities has not kept up: More than 80 percent of teachers are white…The race gap among teachers is not likely to be closed anytime soon. To help all teachers learn how to deal sensitively with diversity in their classrooms, the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, runs seminars for its members. ‘If you are not aware of your own personal biases,’ said Rocío Inclán, director of human and civil rights at the union, ‘then you lose the kids on a personal level and you can lose them in academics as well.'”
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America Forward’s Wednesday ESEA Update
April 15, 2015
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America Forward’s Thursday ESEA Update
April 15, 2015
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